Monday, April 4, 2011

Two years and two weeks

Almost two years have passed since I entered Red River College. Now, we have about two weeks left in the program. I would say my stay at the College was really short but I feel and know that I learned a lot. Here are just some of the things that I learned out of my two years of stay at the College.
  • I learned to remember to think of others in everything that I do. In technical communication, we were thought of always asking who is our audience? What I learned in college is to always think of the welfare of others in all that I do because the world doesn’t just belong to myself.
  • Timing is everything. Everyone seems to be busy at the College. Having to juggle all the balls in my hands thought me the value of time and perfect timing.
  • Always learn to love what I do. I realized that sometimes it just takes a little love for the work that you’re doing to actually get it done.
  • What does not kill me only makes me stronger. I like this saying because it helps me remember to always take something as a learning experience, no matter how hard it is. College is survival of the fittest. And like animals do, I need to adapt in order to come out strong.

I still have two weeks left. I should try to get the most out of it because someday I might look back and of course I want it be mostly happy memories. 

Word count: 260


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