Wednesday, January 19, 2011

YouTube for Shared Learning

A few years ago whenever I want to learn something new, I usually find a book that will tell me how to do things. Nowadays, I've observed that if ever I want to learn something I search the Internet for information. I have two favourite sites that I go to learn about new things. Guess what sites are they. You'll probably say Google as the first site. You know what my second favourite site is? YouTube. 

I like going to YouTube when I want to learn new things because there are a lot of channels, where people share what they know through tutorials. There are also those who share their product knowledge through reviews. A lot of people in YouTube are generous in sharing with the world what they know, which makes it a great place for shared learning. People can comment on videos, making it more interactive. 

In the future, I think YouTube will become more than just a site to upload videos. It will open more possibilities for shared learning similar to forum and community sites.

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